OpenCube End User Agreement

User Disclaimer
This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. OpenCube makes reasonable efforts to develop and produce useful software as well as accurate and up-to-date documentation regarding the use of such software, it does not, however, make any warranties or representations as to its usability, accuracy or completeness. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory shall OpenCube, or any other party involved in distributing OpenCube's software be liable to you or any other person for damages resulting from your use of this software and its documentation.

License Terms
This software includes a license to place each program in up to five places on one web site (one ip address). A web site is considered to be comprised of information in any form stored at a particular domain name on a single server whose content is solely owned by the purchaser of the software. Web site developers and similar companies who create and or store information for other parties are not considered to have ownership of the documents they maintain and store and therefore must purchase separate licenses in order to use the software within client documents.

Web Effects - Copyright (c) 1997, OpenCube Technologies. All rights reserved.