OC Logo

Thank you for choosing OpenCube as your source for Java. If you have already downloaded and customized any of the demo applets which are also included in this collection you will only need to replace the demo class files with the ones included here and update each applets notice tag. The correct notice tag to use is indicated in each applets documentation.


Click Here to start using the applets.


New applets arrive often and are always available to download for evaluation purposes, these applet and the latest OpenCube news & information is available on the web at www.opencube.com. Along with downloading our applets we encourage our customer to use our logo on their sites, it lets visitors to your site know that there is hassle free, interactive, and exiting Java available to explore. Below is an animated version of our Java logo which works well against any color background.



If you need technical support you may contact opencube by e-mail at [email protected] or phone at 207-947-1955.


OpenCube Technologies
6 State Street, Suite #616
Bangor, ME 04401

Web Effects - Java Collection, � 1997, OpenCube Technologies

Web Effects may not be redistributed under any circumstance and remains the
intellectual and copyrighten property of OpenCube Technologies at all times.
For more information see the End User Agreement.